THE LAST TANK TRACK 1942 - 2019 heritage landscapes help to preserve and celebrate history

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The events of December 18th and 19th 2002

the soldiers are gone but the tank tracks remain

2002 - December 18

Teesdale District Council 'agreed in principle to additional tree planting to the south of the .. proposed site.  They also agreed in principle that a (further) lease .. be negotiated with the county council'.  This land lies to the south of the footpath. (98) Darlington & Stockton Times, December 20 2002

2002 - December 18
Later in the same day the county planning committee members 'expressed concern that the applicant .. appeared to be promoting a designated greenfield area covered with semi-mature trees as a site for built development'. (193)  Planning Committee minutes December 18 2002 
2002 - December 18
The resultant environmental consequences and conflict with landuse policies in the development plan, and the formal objection by .. Teesdale District Council .. were noted. (194)
Planning Committee minutes December 18 2002 
2002 - December 18
The county planning committee resolved that: 'That determination of the submitted application be deferred for one month to allow for a general review …' (173) Planning Committee minutes December 18 2002 
2002 - December 18
The report of the Head of Planning dated 18 December states: 'An informal footpath, which forms part of a short localised network, and for which local residents are claiming an established right of way, cuts through the site in the east and follows the edge of the site along the southern boundary'. 
(It should not be forgotten that all the other tank tracks had already been stopped up.) 
Later in the same report it says: 'No statutory rights of way are affected by the proposal'. (195-7)
2002 - December 19

click here to see when the application was registered on Nov 8 2002

The date of a letter acknowledging receipt of the footpath users' application for an order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement by adding the footpath at Stainton Grove.  The letter also confirmed that all procedures had been complied with. (80)

Click here to find out about funding being requested from the PCT for 'Teesdale is Walking for Life'; a project to encourage people to take up walking to benefit their mental and physical health


click here to find out about the history of our footpath

'There has not been any consultation with the people of Stainton Grove, which was promised by

Durham County Council' - a Teesdale District Councillor. (81) Darlington & Stockton Times, August 9 2002


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Our heritage is who we are today; we are the only ones who can protect it.

The law locks up the man or woman,
Who steals the goose from off the common,
But leaves the greater villain loose,
Who steals the common from the goose.

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