THE LAST TANK TRACK 1942 - 2019 heritage landscapes help to preserve and celebrate history

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A diversion is proposed

the soldiers are gone but the tank tracks remain

2004 - July 14
The countryside officer is considering a proposal under the provisions of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to divert the Public Right of Way at Stainton Grove; comments or objections are invited. (99)
2004 - August 4
In reply to this informal request the following objections were among those submitted:
Changing the route of the footpath is for the convenience of others.

The footpath will be less direct and less convenient to the users.

This is a historic path and is an important part of the life of the community. (229, 231)
The suggestion from some of the other objectors for a delay in the matter was allowed. This was to await the High Court judgement on the legal challenges to the development before proceeding. (236)
2004 - September 9
The community services committee of Teesdale District Council 'recommended that, at this stage of the consultative process,

Teesdale District Council confirms that it has no objection to the proposal to divert the unrecorded public footpath at Stainton Grove.' (60)

This is where it is proposed to extinguish the line of the footpath


click here to find out about the history of our footpath

'There has not been any consultation with the people of Stainton Grove, which was promised by

Durham County Council' - a Teesdale District Councillor. (81) Darlington & Stockton Times, August 9 2002


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Our heritage is who we are today; we are the only ones who can protect it.

The law locks up the man or woman,
Who steals the goose from off the common,
But leaves the greater villain loose,
Who steals the common from the goose.

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