THE LAST TANK TRACK 1942 - 2019 heritage landscapes help to preserve and celebrate history

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The last tank track

the soldiers are gone but the tank tracks remain

2003 - January 21
An amended planning application is proposed to enable tree planting on the land to be leased to the south of the footpath.  The landscape supporting statement mentions that:
'The area is divided from the woodland by a partially concreted vehicle track …'
'The track provides an informal footpath link to the south east corner of the industrial estate, creating a short ride or cut in the wood at the east end of the development site.'
'There are no public footpaths within close proximity …'       (63,202 - 204)
2003 - February 12
The development control (south) committee of Teesdale District Council met to consider the revised plan and recommended that planning permission be granted. 
That morning's newspaper lists which policies the development continues to be contrary to.
'The county planning officer refused the original plan citing policies of ENV1, ENV3 and ECON2 of the … Local Plan' 
'It was also contrary to 1, 4, 64(a) and 64A of CSP policies, and policies W3, W4, W6 and W8 of the ... Local Plan.'  (27, 72, 205) Teesdale Mercury February 12 2003
2003 - February 13
'… in a letter dated the following day, … (the) parish council told the county that members remained opposed to the application.'
'… the application does not address any of the concerns raised by the parish council in its initial response last July.' 
'… planning considerations had been set aside in order to establish the … (development)  … without due consideration of the planning guidelines.' (34, 207) Darlington & Stockton Times February 21 2003
2003 - February 26
Teesdale District Council requested funding from the Primary Care Trust for 'Teesdale is Walking for Life'; a project to encourage people to take up walking to benefit their mental and physical health. (201, 208)
2003 - March 19

Durham County Council granted planning permission for the development. (71)

Click here to read guidance about footpaths and partly completed developments


click here to find out about the history of our footpath

'There has not been any consultation with the people of Stainton Grove, which was promised by

Durham County Council' - a Teesdale District Councillor. (81) Darlington & Stockton Times, August 9 2002


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Our heritage is who we are today; we are the only ones who can protect it.

The law locks up the man or woman,
Who steals the goose from off the common,
But leaves the greater villain loose,
Who steals the common from the goose.

click here to read the complete text