Mike Linden: one
time Tpr, 54 TR, later Cpl, King's Dragoon Guards, Palestine and Libya, now resident, for the last 60 years, in New Zealand. I was at Stainton from about
Jul/August 1946 until
January 1947 before going overseas.

ABERDEEN I registered
for military service when I turned 18 in 1946. I was sent first to the Gordon
Highlanders barracks just outside Aberdeen in June for basic training. I think the unit was called
20 Primary Training Wing. It was almost like being back in the school army cadet troop
apart from the fact that they had you seven days a week and they were quite serious about training. We did the usual foot drill (sometimes to the accompaniment of a couple of pipers and a drummer), small
arms weapon training, PT, route marches and so forth for six weeks under the benevolent eye of the Gordons’ instructors
and then we were posted away for our corps training. This could have been infantry,
engineers, artillery or whatever. I was told at Aberdeen when making the choice that if I
wanted to go in the infantry I would be in line for a selection board leading ultimately to a commission. They must have been short in the infantry but I didn’t want to be a foot soldier. I asked for the armoured corps and I was posted to the 54th Training Regt, RAC, who had the Stainton and
Streatlam camps at Barnard Castle
with two squadrons in each. These camps were on opposite sides of the road (A688)
a couple of miles east of Barnard Castle and their main gates were a couple of hundred yards apart. You could tell there were tanks around when you noticed the damaged stone walls alongside the road. Tanks can cause a bit of mayhem on icy roads.

Stainton Camp, where I was first posted, discipline was very much stricter than
at Aberdeen. For the first
three weeks we seemed to do nothing but foot drill all day. We spent hours and
hours marching on the
square each day at the mercy of a very large Irish drill sergeant. In the evenings
we were allowed out of our
huts for half an hour to visit the NAAFI to squander our pay on more food,
usually eggs and chips and a cup of tea.
Coffee seemed non-existent in the army.
Our pay was 3/- (15p) a day but with deductions made for uniform
allowance, barrack damages, etc we were generally paid 15/- (75p) or sometimes
£1 each week. (We had a pay rise some
months later to 4/- (20p) a day).
In the
evenings we had to spend our time smoothing out the brassware on our belts and
other equipment so that everything had a glassy shine. Similarly, one pair of
boots had to be worked
on with a hot spoon, spit and polish and, as the days and nights wore on, some
spectacular results were achieved. I got
my boots looking like patent leather. We
were allowed out of camp on Saturday nights as far as the camp cinema. After
church parades on Sundays, it was back
to polishing. There was a big,
humourless corporal, who wanted to become a sergeant, in charge of our hut to
make sure we kept at it.
back at it now, I think they wanted to make sure we looked like soldiers when
we were allowed out of camp for the first time after those three weeks that had
seemed like a lifetime.

We all
got a week’s leave at home and on our return, life eased off just a little as
we went into our technical training. There
were about 35 in our squad and we spent about six months at Stainton learning
to be a gunner/wireless operator, gunner/mechanic or a driver/mechanic. I was
a gunner/op. This meant I had to learn to maintain and
fire a .38 revolver, rifle, Bren gun, Besa 7.92mm heavy machine gun in the tank
turret and the 77mm gun, used both as an anti-tank gun and an artillery
piece. I became proficient in the use of
Morse Code as part of the radio training.
Tanks and armoured cars have an intercom system within each vehicle and
the vehicles are linked to each other by radio.
All radio talk had to be done in accord with the set procedures.
learned to drive and how to carry out routine maintenance on vehicle
engines. During the training we also
spent a week learning how to operate as infantry, should the need arise. I remember,
during the course of this week,
we were dropped off in small parties a few miles from camp and got some map
reading experience by finding our way back across country. At one point we came
across a very large and
impressive country house set amongst some woods. It looked overgrown and deserted,
derelict, and it may have been Rokeby House, near Greta Bridge. It didn’t seem to have any road leading to
thing I recall is a small, narrow hump-backed bridge near Egglestone Abbey that
we crossed once while on driving instruction from Stainton. I
remember we had to stop. The driving instructor got out and paid 4d.
toll somewhere. We went back to camp another way and thus saved
4d. I have since seen quite a number of toll gates on highways
overseas but never one on such a small bridge on a quiet country road.
If they still charge a toll there, they must have accumulated quite a
sum by now.
As part of our gunnery training we went up to a
gunnery range in the hills at Warcop in Westmorland. I think it was for about
4/5 days. I know one day – the Saturday – we spent most
of the day decorating the sergeants’ mess for their annual ball that night and
the next day we had to clean the place up after them. So there wasn’t
much time for gunnery and it
was drizzling most of the time. Apart
from firing the 77mm guns we had to shoot the Besas while the tank was on the
move. Even though we were on a concrete
road and the Comet provided a stable platform, some of the bullets were going
into the ground about 20 yards from the tank while others went up into the air
at about 45 degrees. So much for
precision shooting. You could follow the
path of the bullets by the trace at the back of every five or ten rounds and we
enjoyed the spectacle of the bullets hitting rocks and ricocheting straight
up. The 77mm shells also had a trace on
them and I recall at least one round that carved a wide spiral path towards the
target. Something was off centre.

Back to Barnard Castle – I can still recall the way the orderly
sergeant would come into our hut, and all the others no doubt, around 6am each day and rattle the steel poker around the steel coal bin and
shout. It was enough to wake anyone from the deepest sleep. As the winter drew on, we had to make our way in the dark, and
sometimes in the snow, to the ablution block and wash and shave in freezing cold water. Then go to the cookhouse in the dark
where the cooks would pour a spoonful of melted butter into the middle of your two pieces of bread. It would freeze solid
again by the time you got to a table, thus ruining the bread. Bacon and egg for
breakfast, in those days, meant dried eggs and minced bacon being made into a flat pancake and your serving, or ration, was
a piece measuring 3 inches x 2 inches x 3/16 of an inch. That, plus the two slices of bread, a bowl of lumpy porridge and
a mug of funny tasting tea was your breakfast. Incidentally, the bacon and egg
only happened on Thursdays – food rationing applied to both the civilian population and to the armed services. On other days we got something equally as filling.
As young lads, still growing and getting plenty of exercise, we were always hungry and what little pay we got was spent
in the NAAFI on plates of chips and buns. Beer consumption in the NAAFI and
elsewhere was absolutely minimal - very few of the younger soldiers seemed to drink and food was more important. It seemed part of the overall army plan to make the soldiers spend all their surplus cash in the NAAFI
so that they wouldn't have any money available to spend in the town. We trained on Comet
tanks which were just too late to see service in WW2. (Later - I believe some
were in Germany right at the end of the war.) Little did we know at the
time that the armoured regiments to which we were going were changing from tanks to armoured cars. At that time, there were four RAC training regiments at Barnard Castle and Catterick and three of them trained on tanks. When
we got to Palestine, we found that only two of the eight or nine regiments there had tanks, the rest had armoured cars. Our training finished around New Year 1947 and we were sent on embarkation leave prior to joining regiments overseas. Our squad was mainly English, but there was one man from Wales and about six each from Scotland and Ireland. The Irish were all regular soldiers, having left the farm back home, and they were fairly quiet and serious. The Scots, on the other hand, came mainly from the Glasgow area.
They tended to be quite vocal and/or belligerent but it was noticeable that when the training was over, they all got
themselves jobs at Barnard Castle
rather than go overseas. In contrast the Irish all came with us.
While at Stainton
I met a
chap who was a form behind me at school and in Benghazi with the KDGs I
met another who was in my form for a
couple of years, we often used to cycle home together after school. I didn't see much of him at Benghazi as he was in a different
squadron. And some
years ago, I resumed acquaintance with a Welshman who was in my tent (and
troop) at Tiberias in Palestine.
For about ten years we exchanged letters at Christmas until he
died last year. So, apart from them, I've never met anyone
I knew from my army days. Being out in the S Pacific didn't
help, I suppose !

Here's a photo of
my squad at Stainton in August 1946, taken just after we had finished
our initial three weeks there. We were sent home for our first
week's leave from the army that day. about ten weeks after we joined
up, hence our happy faces. This is the only photo I have that was
taken at Stainton.
Looking at it now, I have no recollection of the bulk of the
faces. I see in the middle are an SSM and a Lieutenant, both with RTR cap badges,
and I think this was the only time we ever saw them. Alongside them are our
large Irish drill sergeant and the room corporal.
The man at the right hand end of those standing is an Irishman standing about 6' or 6' 1". Looking along that row you can see how undersized so many of the recruits were. I am sitting at the extreme right end of the second row, in front of that Irishman.
Those in the photo I do remember are:
Back row
5th from the left Peter Mooring, a draughtsman from
Middlesbrough. When we were shooting at the Warcop gunnery range, he got a finger caught in the breech
of a tank's 77mm gun. He went off to hospital and we never saw him again.
6th from the left Bill Moodie,
a van driver from Newcastle. He
joined up with me at Aberdeen and we served together virtually to the end. However, when we boarded a lighter at Tobruk harbour, which took us out to a troopship
standing out to sea, Bill was left on shore as his name wasn't on the list to go home.
We were all going home for demob. I met him a year later in Newcastle
and he told me that he had to do an extra six months in Libya
while waiting for his lost records to be found by the Army HQ in the Canal Zone in Egypt.
8th from the left Snashall,
a lorry driver from Sittinbourne, Kent
last man in this row Yardley, who played
the trombone in a large brass or silver band in Coventry and was sent, I think,
to the band of the 12th Lancers
Sitting on the grass
2nd from the left Dougie White from Liverpool. A consistently cheerful and funny character, as so many from Liverpool
are (or were) 3rd from the left
I can't remember his name but he didn't like the
army and was always going AWOL. The Military Police knew where to find him and
kept bringing him back. He had lost that much time he was starting his RAC training
all over again by the time we left for the Middle East.
(And just a note regarding
harbour – there were reputedly 140- odd ships sunk there, the
result of RAF bombing over the years. All I saw was a mass of masts,
funnels and bits of superstructure sticking out of the water
everywhere you looked. Benghazi harbour up the coast was pretty much
the same. As a consequence, flat-topped lighters were used to ferry
troops from ships standing maybe half a mile out to sea. And when
there is a swell running and you're loaded with gear, going from one
to the other can be a bit tricky!)

The winter
in1947 was one of the bad ones. On our return to Westwick Camp after embarkation leave
a whole group of us got off the train at Broomielaw around 9pm on a still, cloudless and bright moonlit night. and found ourselves standing in a snow-covered farming landscape. The only thing breaking
the surface of the snow was the network of dry stone walls that marked out the fields. Another inch or two of
snow and these too would have been covered. In our greatcoats and with our kitbags over our shoulders we went
cross country on top of the walls in single file, rather like sheep but in silence, and hoping that the man in front knew
where he was going. I cannot remember anymore than that but obviously we got where we were going alright.
overseas drafts were on their way out of England
within a few days of returning from embarkation leave. Because of the heavy
snow, we spent two or
three weeks at an embarkation camp near Barnard
Castle waiting to go. One day we
went on a snow clearing detail up
the railway line from Barnard Castle, helping to dig a train out of a long deep
cutting.. We found it virtually impossible, with long-handled shovels, to throw
the snow up to the top of the cutting but we had to persist. A couple of days
later, we had to dig the
snow away from Barnard Castle
station itself as it, too, was snowbound.
Because of
the snow, and our consequent inability to leave Barnard
Castle, we missed getting on a
troop ship at Southampton. I gather we had to wait for
the next one
which was due to leave from Liverpool. In the meantime, a party of about a dozen of
us were sent to an empty camp, I think it was called Humbleton, where we
maintained an anti-squatter guard.
Apparently, in other parts of the country, homeless people were starting
to move into deserted army camps and that was something the politicians didn't
like. As it was, no one came anywhere
near this camp for a week, apart from the truck that brought our three meals
each day. It was like being on holiday -
apart from the cold weather and snow.
When we
went back to the embarkation camp the snow started in earnest again. (This was
probably Westwick camp. There were several nearly empty camps around Barnard
Castle). We dressed in as much clothing
as we could and
slept almost fully clothed at nights.
Nearly all the water pipes were frozen and it was almost impossible to
wash. I remember one wash house had one
tap over a basin that must have had a faulty washer and as the water kept
dribbling out it didn't freeze. This tap
had to serve those among the few hundred of us who may have felt the need to
wash and shave.
It was a
most miserable time. The temperature was
constantly below freezing; body warmth more than anything else heated the
forty-man huts; there was nothing to do - although one morning we went on a
route march to the other side of town and back, six or seven miles I
suppose. The camp was only there to
assemble a draft and put them on a train to the docks as soon as possible. It
had no facilities to keep the troops
occupied. (Westwick camp was really
just a staging
camp for 2 or 3 days usually for people from the 54th. But we had to put up with it for 3 or 4 weeks at least
with very little fuel for the hut stove and we
probably didn't have any money as I don't recall being paid there). No NAAFI canteen, no radio,
papers, no cinema, just huts and a cookhouse to serve three meals a day. Although
we didn't know where we were going -
no one ever tells you things like that - it was generally thought that our draft
was going to the Middle East. Precisely where, we didn't
know, but Palestine
was a good bet.
one afternoon at the end of January,
we got the word to fall in on the road outside the hut in the snow with our
kitbags. As we started to get
assembled, some of the more hot headed ones started throwing things at the
hut. In no time flat, the hut was under
bombardment from stones and rocks and anything that could be lifted. All the
windows down that side were broken
and I think the door was off its hinges.
An RSM, who was with us, stood there and never said a word. It was the
nearest thing to a riot that I'd
been in.
When the
ammunition was exhausted, we formed up in threes, marched to the waiting trucks
and got driven away to Barnard Castle
station. It was quite an
experience. I imagine the theory behind
the non-intervention was that once the young lads had worked off their
frustration towards that camp, everything would be alright. And so it proved. It was just as well there weren't any
military police at that camp. I don't
think they would have been sympathetic.
day, at Liverpool, we boarded the tsmv Georgic, a 27,000 ton troopship
which is still the largest vessel I've sailed on. It was a pre-war passenger
liner, converted
to a troopship and it had been sunk by bombing at Suez in 1941.
Refloated and repaired, it was a comfortable ship to sail on. (I can
remember later it came into the Tyne
for conversion back to a passenger ship, yet it was used again in the early
'50s to take British troops to Korea). We set sail
from Liverpool on a grey and damp Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning
the following week we awoke to warm sunshine and to find that we had docked at Port Said overnight

Writer's Note
wrote this account of Stainton Camp as
part of a personal history, which goes back to about 1931, which I wrote for
the benefit of various nephews and nieces, my brothers and cousins.
It was compiled by writing down notes periodically of what I
remembered straight on to the computer. I found that the
more I wrote, the more I remembered. After ten years or so
of this, I put all the notes into order and printed them from the computer, had
them copied and spiral bound and then circulated them individually around the
I've led a somewhat unusual
life. Born on Cheshire,
moving south to Surrey with my parents and brothers when I was 4, going to
school in Croydon, our house suffering a second lot of bomb damage (flying
bombs in 1944 and a mine coming down by parachute in 1941), moving north to
Northumberland where my mother had relatives, my father having died in E Africa
fairly early in the war, to the army in Aberdeen then Barnard Castle, then to
Egypt, Palestine and Cyrenaica (Libya}, back to UK 1948, emigrating to NZ in
1952 on transfer from the UK Civil Service to he NZ Public Service. Then
transferring from Wellington, NZ to
Nandi Airport, Fiji
in 1954 (NZ administered the airport) initially for 2 years but I stayed on for
seven. Then to the capital Suva on
the other side of the main island, to work on an RNZAF flying boat base for
four years until it closed down, with the Sunderland flying boats being
replaced by land based aircraft in NZ.
From there to Rarotonga (Cook Islands, a bit west of Tahiti) on secondment to
their Treasury for two years, to sort out revenue collection problems for their
government. Then back to Fiji
(Nandi Airport
again) for another five years on the administration of two major construction
contracts. The first one was to extend the concrete paving around
the terminal building so that jumbo jets backing away and turning from the
terminal did not have their outer engines moving over grass and possibly
sucking up stones.. The second was to enlarge the terminal building to four
times its original size. All this with the airport being open 24 hrs a
day. Eventually back to NZ in 1976 (I'd been with the NZ Ministry of
Works for many years), happily married to a Fijian lady and we're still
together after 40 or more years.
I was then in Works Head Office for a year, initially to sort in out the
final details of the two contracts I'd been involved with in Fiji and then in
their Property branch, drafting letters for the Minister's signature in reply
to complaints from the public regarding land acquisition matters.
Finally, to the Taupo area where I spent my last twelve years before
retiring. This time on a long term project on the investigation and
development of geothermal energy and its potential for electricity
generation. There are large pockets of extremely hot water a thousand or
so feet underground in various parts of the North Island
and we had a number of drilling rigs in action, tapping into them and assessing
their potential, very much like drilling for oil but we were after hot
water. I was looking after all administrative matters on the project -
the list is endless - and we had a workforce that got up to 275 at times.
Three large power stations (two of them geothermal) have been built in the
Taupo area and their output adds quite a bit to the national grid. Since
then came retirement to the shores of Lake
Taupo, firstly playing a lot of
golf until my knees started to give up (I'd played a lot of rugby in my younger
days) and then developing an interest in genealogy. From then on and for
many years I seemed to be physically attached to my keyboard, writing up notes.
And that's my life in a nutshell, or rather, half a page. So now you know
where the story comes from. And you can see that not all civil servants
spend their time drinking cups of tea and passing bits of paper around !
Regards, Mike Linden

I wrote these notes few
years ago but I've never sent them to anyone. I know they have nothing to do
with Stainton
Camp but thought you might be interested in the kind of officers I came across
while in the King's Dragoon Guards. The
KDGs were part of the first standing army in England
back in the 1680s and they probably looked down on junior cavalry
regiments. I have tried to be strictly
factual throughout and I have no axe to grind.
The KDGs, or at least the officers, seemed more like members of a gentlemen's
club. A good income seemed essential.
I spent most of my National
Service days (1946/48) with the King's Dragoon Guards In Palestine (Tiberias
[Lake Galilee] ) and Libya (Benghazi and Barce)
While I was with them the CO was Lt Col WB Radford. I understand he became rich
in his twenties
when his father died and left him a sizeable piece of real estate in central London.
I believe he was the CO of the R
Gloucestershire Hussars when (my brother) Brian was with them in England
and Austria
My Squadron Leader (B Sqn)
at Benghazi was Major the Lord
Clifton, who became the 8th (or 10th) Earl Darnley a few years later when his
father died. He had been a young Lieut.
in the KDGs at the outbreak of WW2 and was sent over to France
in 1940 to get some battle experience. In
doing so, he was captured by the Germans and spent the rest of the war in a
prison camp. His grandfather, or maybe
great-uncle, was the Hon Ivo Bligh (later the 6th or 8th Earl Darnley) who was
captain of the first MCC cricket team in Australia
in 1883. Lord Clifton was the only
officer during my service to stop me, off duty, and have a chat about life in
My Troop Leader (3rd Troop)
was Lt G le M Croll. I looked him up on
the internet some time back. He had
recently died and his full name was Graham le Mesurier Croll and was he buried
in a country churchyard in Suffolk. The actor John le Mesurier, the long
suffering sergeant in Dad's Army, used his mother's maiden name of le Mesurier
as his stage name. He, too, is buried in
a country churchyard in Suffolk. There could be a family connection.
The Troop Leader, 4th Troop,
was Lt David Brown, a son of the owner of the David Brown tractor and Aston
Martin car empire. A rather arrogant
man, he was known for his "Champagne
for Breakfast" style of living and his forgetfulness in paying his
The Troop Leader, 5th Troop
was Lt MB
Noble. His Christian names, according to
the internet, are Marc Brunel. He became
Sir Marc Noble when his father died. Marc
Izambard Brunel was a world-renowned engineer in the 1800s. Apart from roads
and large bridges and so on,
he built three of the first steel-clad trans-atlantic passenger liners. There
could be some family connection. There was a definite connection with the
Baden-Powell (boy scouts) family and this was possibly influential in him being
the Commonwealth Commissioner of the Scout Movement. As such, he passed through
Airport in Fiji
in 1975 while I was there, on his way to a conference in Hong Kong,
I think. I didn't go down to the
terminal to greet him, however, as I was playing in a golf tournament on the
airport at the time !
Support Troop Leader was Lt
PM Boileau. His obituary a few years ago
said he resigned his commission in the KDGs as he couldn't afford the social
life ! He subsequently became Military
Advisor to the Jordanian Govt, with the rank of Colonel.
The Troop Leader, 1st Troop.
was a Lt Anson and considering all the other officers around him, I wouldn't be
surprised if he was a descendant of one of Lord Nelson's admirals.
Polo was a popular sport
among the officers and there was also a Hunt and a largish pack of hounds when
we were in Benghazi. We used to think the horses and hounds got
more attention than the men.
Quite a few years ago in
Taupo, I met an older man wearing a white t-shirt with a large illustration of
the 13/18th Hussars cap badge on the front.
I was in the 13/18th briefly in 1948 when the KDGs went back to UK,
leaving behind about a dozen of us with still a little time to go before demob.
Talking to him, he said, amongst other
things, that when he was in France not
long after D-Day he and some others from the 13/18th were transferred to a
Royal Tank Regiment unit. When the RTR
colonel addressed them on arrival, he said that they could forget all about
their fancy cavalry ways, they were in a professional fighting unit now and
don't you forget it ! The RTR seemed to
be the blue-collar workers in the Royal Armoured Corps in those days. Maybe
a bit short on airs and graces.

3rd Troop, B Squadron, KDG 1947/8 and the Officer's
Troop leader (3rd Troop. B Sqdn) was Lt
Croll. We never saw much of him and I'm not sure how
he filled in his day. He was a good
swimmer. He won all the swimming and
diving events he entered in a regtl swimming competition. But he rarely came
with us on our map reading
and gunnery expeditions. Troop Sgt was
Bob Campbell, and I didn't see much of him either as he departed on LIAP soon
after we got to Benghazi. LIAP stood for home Leave In Advance of
PYTHON, after 18 months overseas service, and PYTHON was home leave after three
years overseas service.
There was a Cpl in the troop but he had
more or less retired
from army life as his demob number had come up and he was waiting to go home. There
was a L/ Cpl who oddly enough wore 5th
Dragoon Guards badges. I never knew why
and he seemed to treat army life as a half-term break from Greyfriars with
Billy Bunter & Co. I've just
thought, he may have been Jewish and British army Jews never went to Palestine,
where the 5DGs may have been stationed.
Of the ORs.I remember Stan Hargreaves, a Dingo
scout car
driver, Roy Francis, who drove my Daimler armoured car, Ken Spence who drove
the other armoured car and there must have been two or three others who's names
and faces escape me. I remember on
occasion I had to stand out in front of the troop on morning parade, in line
with the troop leaders, and call out the numbers on parade and where the others
were to the SSM. He seemed to add it all
upon his head and relayed the numbers to the Sqn Ldr standing alongside him. And
presumably to the Sqn office who would
want to make sure no one was AWOL.
A memory that has just come back. One night
at 2am we had to leave our beds
without warning and go on parade. Then
the Adjutant arrived hatless and read out the Riot Act to us. I don't think
any of us took it in, and most
thought the Riot Act was a work of fiction, rather like the Wigan Pier. It must
have been a quiet night in the
Officer's Mess. And so to bed.
In the Officer's Mess it was like moving into
a different
world. A Sgt was posted to the
Mess at about the same
time as me and he seemed rather uncomfortable about working at close quarters
with the officers. His wife, however,
enjoyed the life, and she tried to instill a bit of nouvelle cuisine into
the German PW and Arab cooks and the young ACC cook from Yorkshire,
'Pip' Devine. Her most spectacular
achievement was putting cochineal into the mashed potatoes and turning them
blood red one 'Dining In' night. Caused
at least a few raised eyebrows !
The junior ORs in the Mess were a Cpl Bob
Martin who looked
after the horses, polo ponies and pack of hounds. As we didn't see much of him,
he may have slept in the stables or elsewhere. There was the CO's driver, a
young Londoner
who could be best described as a 'wide boy'.
And there was a batman who had previously been a professional sparring
partner and I think he had walked into one straight right too many. Another
had recently come out of a
'glasshouse' somewhere for going AWOL. His
three months sentence was added to his group number for demob.
Another was picked up by the MPs in Benghazi
after pinching a watch from a Arab jeweller's shop. Another batman was a nervous
little man who
had five or more of stripes upside down on his sleeve, denoting 15 or more
years of undetected crime, as they say. Another
was a small red faced Scotsman who had
a whisky problem. Yet another who was
waiting to go to Oxford Univ.
And there were others whom I don't
remember. Quite a bunch of misfits, but
that's what National Service brought in.
Luckily, I was able to operate completely
outside the batman
fraternity and was only responsible to the Mess President, Major Luck, the KDG
2 i/c. I kept the books neat and tidy
and in balance and the Major was quite happy. He offered me a third stripe if
I signed on
and went back to UK
with the regiment. But I declined with
thanks, saying that I was on the permanent staff of the civil service and had a
job to go back to.
I would have much happier staying with
3rd Troop as a
gunner/op (I enjoyed the gunnery part). But
I was abruptly transferred to the Officer's Mess to look after their accounts. I
had no accountancy experience or training
but at least my name came off the guard list and I had a room of my own in the
We were sorry to leave the KDGs and transfer
to the 13/18th
Hussars when they arrived. As we were
only going to be with them for a matter of weeks, we didn't really fit in. However,
as they were short of senior NCOs, I
had to take my turn as orderly sgt for a week and as guard commander now and
then. But soon it was all over and I
said to myself, if they want me again they'll have to find me !
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